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Ukrainian Fashion Week обратились к fashion-сообществу – текст на английском, который можно переслать иностранцам

#StandWithUkraine – оргкомитет украинской Недели моды обратился с просьбой поддержать Украину в войне за свободу и независимость. По возможности, перешлите вашим иностранным коллегам и знакомым
Ukrainian Fashion Week Letter
Ukrainian Fashion Week Letter / Фото: Fashionweekdaily

Dear international fashion community,

We are a Ukrainian Fashion Week team and today we are writing to you on behalf of all the Ukrainian fashion industry – designers, models, stage directors, seamstresses, PR professionals, artists, photographers, graphic designers, creatives, and all the other fashion professionals.


On these dark days, we ask for your urgent support and loud voice!

5 ways that you can help
5 ways that you can help / Фото: fashionweek.ua

The world has been following the catastrophic circumstances that are unfolding in our country. The outcomes speak for themselves; according to the data published in the media more than 2000 civil people are dead or injured. The biggest country of Europe has become a zone of war, death, and pain, a zone of unjustified aggression. More than a million people crossed the borders of Ukraine.


Fashion has always been the biggest, the loudest platform to stand for human rights and democratic values. It stands for inclusivity, diversity, sustainability, and freedom of expression. We believe that your voice can make a difference, and will help the whole creative world to pay attention to the situation in Ukraine right now.

#StandWithUkraine / Фото: fashionweek.ua

The responsible business has a big role to play in motivating Russians to act in order to stop the criminal actions of their leadership. As we have seen from the early impact of sanctions and the actions of companies like Apple, Adidas, FIFA, Spotify, and many others, the business community can be a powerful force for good.


We appeal to the global fashion community to support a Ukrainian democracy that protects us and the rest of the free world from Russia.

Here are 5 ways that you can help

1. Ban Russia

If you are a responsible business appalled by the Russian atrocities, the most effective way to make the statement is to stop any cooperation with the invader: divest, exit the Russian market, stop serving Russian customers, ban Russian companies from participation in your professional community and the global economy. Economic measures are the language any business understands and feels. We need to speak their languages for them to listen.

2. Be the voice of truth

Inform your customers and social media subscribers about the war in Ukraine and ask them to voice their support online, protest against the war, and boycott Russia. Put up a banner, create a newsletter, record a video – disseminate the truth, and rally support for Ukraine! The more people are aware of what is going on in Ukraine, the sooner it will be able to defeat the aggressor.

#StandWithUkraine / Фото: fashionweek.ua

3. Fundraise for Ukraine

You can offer your customers to buy a specific fundraising product or service, or donate funds to the charity organization that supports relief for Ukrainians.

Here are some possible donation options for you to consider.

If either your product or service can be helpful for Ukraine in this tough time, please, provide them as a help for the country. Buy Ukrainian products online.

4. Hire Ukrainians

You can provide additional income to gig workers from Ukraine, even if you are located across the globe. If you use freelance services – hire Ukrainians and support them with income in these difficult times.

5. Campaign internally

If you are an employee, you can organize a grassroots campaign and lobby your senior management for decisive action. Attached is a template of a letter you can send to your management. Mobilize your colleagues from Ukraine and around the world to send a similar letter as well. The more letters your leaders receive, the more likely they are to take action.

Every person, every business, every organization has a role to play in stopping this ruthless, unwarranted, and unprovoked invasion that threatens peace in the whole world.

With all our beliefs in humanity,

Ukrainian fashion community.


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